Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2008 New York City Trip Review IX

Photos of the "Homeless Guy's" sale on Broadway.
A few hours after these photos were taken, all traces
of the guy and his sale vanished...
(Photos: NYCDreamin Archives)

Day 7 - 07/08/08 - Last Day

You know the story by now. I was up way too early, as usual, and showered and ready to go by 7:00am. I went through my things one last time, reorganizing for the trip home. At around 8:00am I hauled all my stuff down to the lockers, then went back upstairs to the lobby and checked out. I would come back later for my stuff.

I walked over to the Broadway Restaurant, and on my way there, noticed that the homeless guy wasn't with his stuff, which was all still there by the Duane Reed. 'Maybe he was still out scavenging' I thought. I stepped into the Broadway and had a seat at the counter. Ordered breakfast and was soon enjoying my last decent meal in NYC. The same guy who had waited on me the previous day was again working and was my server. He didn't ask, but I told him I was leaving for home and was sad to leave New York. He asked me my name, I told him, and he introduced himself with a handshake as 'Tony...they call me The Greek.' I told him I hoped they would remain in business despite the changing face of the neighborhood, and he replied that he had been there for 27 years, loved the place and loved New York ("We ALL love New York!" he said) he didn't believe they were going anywhere anytime soon. I told him I was glad to hear it, and that I hoped I would see him next summer. When I was finished eating, I paid up and walked out thinking that the place (Broadway Restaurant at 2664 Broadway) is probably one of my favorite places in the whole city to eat a meal. If you visit the upper west side, I suggest you stop in.

I walked out and back on to Broadway, turning back north. I noticed the homeless guy still wasn't back with his stuff. I decided to walk over and take a few photos of what he had there on the sidewalk. His chair, a suitcase. Some folded up cardboard pieces. His ad-hock little garage sale still featured a small, beat-up bicycle, a bike tire, some VHS movies, a bunch of assorted books and magazines, a whiffle ball, a cell phone charger and some other random items. I found it odd that all the stuff was here...where was dude at? It was now around 9:00am. I walked around the neighborhood for a bit, taking a few last minute photos, and passed by his spot a few times during my wonderings. The guy still wasn't back around 10:00am when I decided I would go over to the park for a few hours before it was time to leave.

I went over to Riverside Park and found a nice spot just inside the park to sit, have a cigarette or two, and watch the crazy squirrels chasing eachother through the park. I wasn't the only one. I saw several people stop to take photos of the squirrels and watch them as well. I watched for about an hour and decided it was time to be on my way. I had a few more stops to make before heading off to the bus station.

First, I walked back east over to Broadway, and picked up a new suitcase-on-wheels at the luggage shop where I had picked up my fanny-pack on day #1 of this trip. On the way out here, my trusty backpack finally gave out, necessitating the purchase of new luggage. I then went back across the street and over to the Americana Foods Market, ordered another one of those delicious $3.00 cheeseburgers and when it was ready I grabbed a bag of chips, a Gatorade and a few yogurts, then went and sat on a park bench out on the street to eat my lunch. I was sitting there eating and wondering if, as I walked back by the Duane Reed on my way to the hostel, if the homeless guy would be there? I soon finished my lunch and was on my way to find out.

I walked the few blocks up to the Duane Reed, hoping to see the guy standing there when I arrived. And to my utter shock and amazement...he was NOT there. And all of his shit, EVERYTHING, chair, books, bike, videos...all of it, WAS GONE as well. It was like it had never been there in the first place! Just gone...I couldn't believe it. I'm SOOO glad I took photos of it just hours before it all disappeared. My head was swimming with questions. Where did dude go? Was he OK? I hoped for the best for him, and wondered who finally moved all his shit off the sidewalk? Was it the cops? The Duane Reed people? And how come he had been there all week and was gone now? It was all so disturbing, but I had to get back to the hostel and get my stuff and be on my way. But this guy was not going to leave my thoughts for some time...

I went over to Amsterdam, to the hostel, went in and downstairs to the lockers. I quickly packed all my stuff in my fancy new suitcase, zipped it all up, and rolled it down the hallway to the elevator. Went up to the lobby and walked out of the hostel. Over to Broadway at 103rd for one last crowded mid-day ride on the #1. Down to 42nd Street/Times Square station.

Up, out onto 42nd Street over to 8th Avenue and over to the Port Authority Terminal. Inside, down the stairs to the Greyhound Terminal where I changed my travel itinerary to leave the city a few days earlier than originally planned. (For a small fee of $15.00 of course!) I went back upstairs, outside, found a nice place to stand in the shade and have a cigarette as the final minutes of my adventure ticked by.

I looked across the street at the New York Times Building and thought about the two guys who had climbed it a few weeks previous. I thought to myself, 'I wish someone climbed it while I was here'. I had one last smoke, then headed back inside, down to the Greyhound terminal to wait for my 3:30pm bus.

About an hour later, I was on the bus, and we began to pull out of the terminal. So much was going through my head. How much fun I'd had. What an adventure! All the people I had met. Cool things I'd seen. And what had happened to that homeless guy? I guess I'll never know. But I'll always wonder...

And the most prevalent thoughts...I DON'T want to leave...I DON'T want to go home. Minneapolis is a nice city, but it is NOT New York.

And soon I was on my way...

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