Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Warrant Singer Jani Lane Arrested For DUI

Warrant front man Jani Lane was arrested for DUI. According to sources the singer was arrested for running into a parked car in his Sedan. When police arrived on the scene, they essentially gave him a alcohol field test, that he did not pass. 

He was released Sunday however there was severe damage to his Sedan. He doesn’t remember hitting a parked car however I bet he will when the owners come forth with a bill or a lawsuit against him.
This isn’t the first time that he has had a run in with the authorities for DUI although he pleaded no contest to those and was released. He was placed on probation for three years. This was in July of 2009. Ironically the officer that arrested him Sunday was the same officer that arrested him in 2009. He probably knew it was coming, because you can’t hit a parked car and expect to get away with it.

There was no injuries to anyone during the accident but the owners of the car he hit that was parked and not moving will most likely sue the rock band star and he will probably try to get out of it saying he can’t remember. And if he was really drunk he may not remember hitting it, unfortunately a police report doesn’t lie.
Before when he got arrested in 2009 and placed on probation it probably didn’t cost him much, this time he is going to have to pay for what he did. Depending on how much damage was caused to the parked car.
Authorities at the scene said that the car that Jani Lane hit suffered an ample amount of damage and whoever owns the car is going to get him for as much as they can. He won’t get off so easy this time.

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