Tuesday, August 2, 2011

70 Years Later - Is History Trying To Repeat Itself?


Excerpt from:
"The Beggar"
by Harlan G. Gilmore
(1940)[p. 87-88]


"Down & Out: The Life & Death of Minneapolis' Skid Row"
by Joseph Hart - Photos by Edwin C. Hirschoff
(2002)[p. 19-20]

The tramp...found his jungles swarming with unemployed of all sorts, persons of all degrees of education and of all walks of life. Even women flocked onto the road in surprising numbers. How strange it must have seemed to the aged tramp to suddenly find his freight-trains crowded, his jungles filled, and even his highways lined with foot-loose humanity wandering as aimlessly as himself. As these wandering hordes increased in numbers, towns and localities became both puzzled and alarmed, and the arm of the law became diligent. Trains were met by officers, and "bums" were ordered not to set foot on the ground, vagrants were ordered out of town, and everything concievable was done to keep the transient on the move. Thus the transient found himself almost literally shoved from coast to coast and back again without a chance for food and rest.

...and now:

"Sacramento Moving Homeless from Tent City"
"Moving Day for Sacramento's Tent City"
"Herding The Homeless"
"What Should Rules Be For Feeding the Homeless"
"Residents Concerned About Homeless Influx"
"Residents Upset Over Homeless Outreach Program"

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