Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2008 New York City Trip Review VIII

NYCDreamin in NYC - /w/ new Plasmatics T-shirt!
(Photo: NYCDreamin Archives)

Day 6 - 07/07/08

After being out so late, I slept in untill around 11:00am. Showered, read the NYPost, hung around the hostel for a bit, sitting out on the 2nd floor terrace waiting for my cell phone to charge up and making plans for the day ahead. I was planning on an easy day with not too much on the agenda. And I was seriously thinking about returning home the following afternoon.

I left around noon, walking over to the Broadway Restaurant for a late breakfast. On my way back to the subway at 103rd I spotted the homeless guy across the street as I passed by. He was sitting in an office chair on wheels. He looked comfortable enough. I got on the subway and headed down to 59th Street/Columbus Circle, where I got off and started to walk east on Central Park South. I was on my way to east 60th Street and 2nd Avenue to take a ride on the Roosevelt Island Tram. I had never been on it before and I was curious.

I swiped my MetroCard and boarded and waited as a few more stragglers got on, and then the conductor-guy stepped in, and we were up and off, across the East River. It was a little freaky for a second or two, but I quickly adjusted and was quite amazed at the views. You can really see alot of graffitti on the rooftops of the buildings as you rise over them. After just a few minutes we were across the river on the island. I exited, got right back in line and took the return trip to Manhattan. I had a great, albiet brief, time on the Tram. Should definately be on the 'To Do' list of things for tourists to experience while visiting NYC.

I took a subway back over to 8th Avenue and West 50th and stopped in for lunch at Chipotle, then got back on the subway and headed back down to the East Village to do some shopping.
I went to a place called Village X (36 St. Marks Place), hoping to find a Plasmatics t-shirt. The guy working there had never even heard of them. I explained and he was still blissfully unaware as he stood next to a G.G. Allin t-shit on the wall, but no Wendy O. OK then. I walked out and went up the street a bit to Trash and Vaudeville (4 St. Marks Place), and sure enough, they had not one, but two Plasmatics t-shirts. As I paid for my shirt, I told the girl at the counter about the guy at Village X not knowing who the Plasmatics were and she laughed...

Next I went across the street, back to Rocket Scientist Records. I was hoping to find a Wayne/Jayne County CD...no such luck. I asked and was told they last had one a few years ago and good luck finding one. I went around the corner and down a block or two to Norman's Sound And Vision (67 Cooper Square) where I found a Jayne County CD...and it was $40.00. I had to leave it there for that price. I left disappointed.

I hopped on the subway and went back up to 42nd Street/Times Square, then walked over to B.B. Kings to see if there were any Lita Ford fans hanging out as she was playing there that night, and sure enough there was already a line forming even though it was only around 4:30pm. Several people had stuff they were hoping to get autographed and I knew they'd probably leave disappointed. I thought about attending the show, but after the long day yesterday and having already seen her, I decided once was enough and I figured I'd spent enough money today already. I just really wasn't up to another show. (...and DAMMIT! I SHOULD have gone! I found out upon my return home that Lita had a few special guests during her B.B. King's show. Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) and Carmine Appice (Rod Steward/King Kobra/Tons More) jammed with her during the show. I REALLY should have gone...)

I then walked over to Colony Records (1619 Broadway) and went in and browsed for a while. It's always nice to come in here and look, but I haven't bought anything since the first time I went there a few years ago. A little on the over-priced side for the rock collectibles. They do have some really cool stuff there though, but I again left without making a purchase.

I hopped on the subway at Columbus Circle and rode back up to 103rd and went back to the hostel. I had decided that I was indeed leaving the following afternoon. I laid down and took a nap untill around 8:30pm, then I got up and went for a short walk in Riverside Park. I wasnt't really hungry when I woke up so I thought I'd skip the meal for the evening. I went back to the hostel and went up to my room to organize my luggage and belongings for the trip home. While I did this I visited with a few of the other dudes staying in the dorm. The one guy from California and I talked for quite a while actually, and soon it was around 1:30am, and of course, I was hungry now.

I wanted a cheeseburger. I told 'California' I was going for a cheeseburger and he asked where I could get one at this time of night. I smiled and said 'It's New York, I won't have to go far...'. And I didn't. I walked over to Broadway, then down to 101st street where I found the 'Americana Foods' corner deli/bodega still open, and cooking up a storm. I ordered a cheeseburger ($3.00) and waited on the sidewalk as the guy at the grill prepared it. In just a few minutes, it was ready. I grabbed a bag of Doritos and a soda to wash it all down with and headed back to the hostel. On the way there, I noticed the homeless guy. He was sitting there in his chair by the Duane Reed...I'm not sure if he was awake or asleep, but he was there. That's all that mattered. I could hardly beleive he was still there after all this time.

I got back to the hostel and walked out into the back courtyard to eat my late dinner. I was met by 'California' and he was quite amused that I had indeed found my cheeseburger. I quickly scarfed it down and it was actually really good. I was ready to get to sleep and get the inevitable over with...it was time to go home. Home...where you CAN'T get a cheeseburger at 1:30am...three blocks away, or anywhere for that matter...I fell asleep thinking how I didn't want to leave, but it was time to go.

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