Monday, August 1, 2011

King's Views of New York - XXVI

A little late, yes, but not forgotten, here is this week's King's Views of New York. For those keeping track this is week number 26 of the series. Next week will be the final installment.

King's Views of New York - Front Cover (1915)

Catheral of St. John The Divine - Amsterdam Avenue (King's Views of New York)
Cathedral of St. John the Divine - Amsterdam Ave. side showing the Crossing, with it's huge dome where the transepts will intersect the Choir and Nave; original plans provided that the completed cathedral should be 165 X 520 ft., 288 ft. across transepts; central spire, 445 ft. high; twin western towers on Amsterdam Ave. front, each 245 ft. high; Nave to be begun in 1915, under direction of Ralph A. Cram, Architect, costing $1,000,000; it is proposed to finish dome with groups of small Gothic pinnacles erect on either side twin spires over 500 ft. high.

Union Theoological Seminary (King's Views of New York)
Union Theological Seminary - Claremont Ave. to Broadway, 120 to 122nd St.; founded 1836 at 9 University Pl.; at Park Ave. and 70th St., 1844 - 1910; new group erected 1908 - 10 on site given by D. Willis James, value $4,500,000; endowment, $3,500,000; 220 students; 24 instructors; buildings enclose a quadrangle 300 X 100 ft.; corner towers to be 200 ft. high; library 100,000 volumes, 56,000 pamphlets, 186 manuscripts; Presbyterian, but independent of ecclesiastical control. Rev. Dr. Francis Brown, Pres. William Kingsley, Pres. of Trustees.

Water Gate (King's Views of New York)
Water Gate - to be erected on the Hudson River at West 106th St., as a memorial to Hendrick Hudson, who discovered the river in 1609, and to Robert Fulton, who successfully innaugerated steam navigation on the Hudson in 1807; an imposing $1,000,000 structure to be used for public celebrations and as a fitting place for the landing and reception of distinguished guests; the plans drawn by H. Van Buren Magonigle contemplate in addition to the two quays and stately colonnade, two stadia, on for children's games, the other for ceremonies and pageants.

Parks (King's Views of New York)
Parks - (1) Bridge over Bronx River, Bronx Park. (2) Road in Bronx Park west of Falls. (3) Botanical Museum, Bronx Park; gardens cover 250 acres. (4) Falls, Bronx River. (5) Bird House, Zoological Park. (6) Conservatories, Bronx. (7) Flying Cage, Bronx. (8) Skating on Lake in Central Park. (9) The Dell, Central Park. (10) Bridge near the Ramble. (11) Swan Boats. (12) Terrace and Bethesda Fountain. (13) Bridle Path. (14) Sacred Ox. (15) The Mall, main promenade of Central Park, which covers 83.99 acres, valued at $200,000,000. (16) Camel family, Betsy, Prince and Frank. (17) Reservoir. (18) Common. (19) View in heart of Central Park. (20) Leo.

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