Monday, August 1, 2011

King's Views of New York - VIII

Good Friday afternoon to you. Here's this weeks installment of "King's Views of New York". As always, click on the "See Large" link beneath each photo to see it in much more detail.

King's Views of New York - Front Cover (1915)

Curb Brokers (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Curb Brokers - The northern part of Broad Street is roped off, and in the enclosure are brokers and brokers' clerks who have no connection with any organized exchange. They deal principally in stocks, bonds and securities not listed on the Stock Exchange; they transmit their orders in pantomimic signs to their offices in the surrounding buildings. It is one of the sights of the town.

Wall Street (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Wall Street - Nassau to East River; banking centre of New York; on north side of street; Bank of Manhattan Co., founded 1799; Merchants' National, 1803; Bank of America, 1812; Bank of New York, N.E. corner William St., 1797; Mechanics' & Metals Nat'l Bank, 1810; Central Trust Co., 1875; International Bank; Seamen's Bank for Savings, 1829, at Pearl St. South side, J.P. Morgan & Co.; Mutual Alliance Trust Co.; Equitable Trust Co., 1899; U.S. Trust Co., 1853; Metropolitan Trust Co., 1881; Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., 1842; National Vity Bank, 1812.

New York Clearing House (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
New York Clearing House - 77-83 Cedar Street, built 1896; R.W. Gibson, arch., Marc Eidlitz & Son, Builders; conservator of sound banking; association of 29 national banks, 17 state banks and 15 trust companies, with $179,900,000 capital, $297,000,000 surplus and $200,000,000 net deposits; formed 1853; average daily clearings, 1913, $323,833,400; total 60 years, $2,419,273,696,801; record day, Nov. 3, 1909, $736,461,548; trust companies admitted May 1911, Francis L. Hine, President Clearing House Association; William Sherer, Manager; W.J. Gilpin, Assistant Manager; A.W. Higgin, Chairman. American Exchange National Bank, at left, 16 stories, 235 ft. high. National Bank of Commerce, at right, 20 stories, 274 ft.

New York Stock Exchange (King's Views of New York)
(See Large) Photo: Moses King (1904)
New York Stock Exchange - Broad St., through to New, George B. Post, Architect; cost $3,000,000, with enterance on Wall St., founded May 17, 1792; carved white marble building, occupied May, 1903; board room, 138 by 112 ft. and 80 ft. high, with ceiling in gold relief; facade of Corinthian columns each 52 ft. high; sales in 1913, 83,470,693 shares of stock worth $7,170,862,086 and $476,914,499 of bonds; record day in stocks, April 30, 1901, 3,190,857 shares, in bonds, Nov. 11, 1904, $15,085,500; 1,100 members; trading, 10 am to 3 pm.; H.G.S. Noble, President. Commercial Cable Building, at left, 275 ft. high. be continued.

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