Monday, August 1, 2011

King's Views of New York - XIX

Welcome to week number 19 of our King's Views of New York series. You'll notice we are presenting the photos in a bit larger format now, this due to having a bit more room since we switched to our fancy new template a few weeks ago. But as always, you can still click on the "See Large" link beneath each photo to see it in still much more detail.

There will be no King's Views of New York next Friday, July 2, as we'll actually be in NYC, enjoying the views in person. But we'll begin the series again on the following Friday, July 9th, with part 20.

King's Views of New York - Front Cover (1915)

The Commonwealth (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
The Commonwealth - the largest and in many ways the most remarkable hotel ever projected in this country, is to occupy the block bounded by Broadway, Seventh Avenue, Fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth Streets. There are about 30 city lots in the site to be occupied and which is valued at $4,000,000.00 The location is in the heart of the automobile district of the city and close enough to the railroad terminals. The Commonwealth, as the final plans are drawn, will be 34 stories in height arranged in a series of handsome terraces. It will have 2,500 rooms, and every room will be equipped with a bath. With the cost of the land the completed hotel will represent an investment of approximately $15,000,000.00. A feature of special interest in the many unusual things planned is the Commonwealth Club which is to occupy the uppermost floor. The Commonwealth will be built on a co-operative plan and it is estimated that 75,000 persons will share in the ownership.

Hotel Belmont (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Hotel Belmont - Park Avenue, 41st to 42nd Streets, tallest hotel in the world, 292 ft. high; 258,400 Sq. ft. floor area, subway curves under building from Park Ave. into 42nd St.; built by Subway Realty Co., 1905; leased by Aug. Belmont Hotel Co., B.L.M. Bates, Mgr.

The Plaza Hotel (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
The Plaza Hotel - Fifth Ave., 58th St., to Central Park South; cost $12,500,000, 19 stories, 252 ft. high, model of elegance and delicate beauty; five marble staircases; two great dining rooms; ballroom accomodating 500. Fred Sterry, Managing Director.

Delmonico's (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Delmonico's - Fifth Ave., N.E. cor. 44th St.; most famous restaurant in America; scenes of many notable banquets; fd. by John Delmonico in 1828 at 23 William St., now on sixth site, having kept pace with uptown movement; branch, Beaver St., since 1835.

Hotel Biltmore (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Hotel Biltmore - Vanderbuilt to Madison Ave., 43rd to 44th St.; 26 stories; 200 X 215 ft.; erected 1912 by N.Y. Central R.R.; Warren & Wetmore, Architects; 1,000 rooms, one of world's finest hotels; cost $4,500,000; Gustav Bauman, Pres. be continued.

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