Monday, August 1, 2011

King's Views of New York - XIV

Week 14 for the King's Views of New York series. I did some planning ahead for future editions and it looks like this thing is gonna run to 27 weeks, so we've got a bit left to go I guess. As always, click the "See Large" link to see each photo in much more detail.

King's Views of New York - Front Cover (1915)

Police Headquarters (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Police Headquarters - Centre St. to Centre Market Pl., Broome to Grand Sts.; 310 ft. long; 46 ft. at Broome St. end, 88 ft. at Grand St. end; imposing Indiana-limestone building, granite base; cost $1,500,000; most complete and perfectly appointed police-headquarters in the world; offices of Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners and Chief Inspector; Detective Bureau and Rogues Gallery; School of Instruction; large drill-room and gymnasium; uniformed force of 10,835, including 500 mounted men and 100 bicycle police. Arthur Woods, Commissioner.

Night Scene (King's Views of New York)
(See Large) - Photo by Vander Weyde
Night Scene - remarkable photograph taken from Metropolitan Life Tower at 23rd St. and Madison Ave., showing the Singer Tower, at Broadway and Liberty St., 2 1/3 miles to the south, near the centre of the view, and the lights of the Brooklyn Bridge, to the left; the pillars topped by electric lights, just to the right of the centre of the picture, mark Fifth Ave. illuminated for the Hudson-Fulton celebration, September, 1909, and in the right foreground are some of the great stores of the retail shopping district, while the loft buildings of Fourth Ave. fill the foreground.

Retail Shopping District (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Retail Shopping District - view southward from the Times Building at 42nd St., where the human tide surges to and fro through the whole twenty-four hours; at the right on Seventh Ave. is the Pennsylvania Station; here the part of Broadway in the foreground is the centre of the hotel district and the heart of the theatre district, while the retail shops and great department stores line the thoroughfare for two miles. Sixth Ave., crossing Broadway at 34th St., is a shopping thoroughfare nearly its entire length of three miles; at the left the great new stores that have made Fifth Ave. the greatest retail dry goods centre; farther to the left rise the new lofts on Fourth Ave. , where the wholesale dry goods trade is developing a new centre; the Metropolitan Tower looms up at Madison Square; the skyscrapers of lower Broadway appear in the distance.

Appellate Court (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
Appellate Court - Madison Ave. and 25th st., magnificent marble court house erected in 1900 at a cost of $750,000, richly embellished with statuary, paintings and tapestry; occupied by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, the court of last resort on appeals from the Supreme Court, except on questions of law, composed of seven justices designated by the Governor.

The Bowery (King's Views of New York)
(See Large)
The Bowery - North from Grand St., the Bouwerie Lane of the Dutch period, along which were located the "bouweries" or country-seats of the wealthy; afterwards famous for many years for its dance halls, theatres and night resorts; now a busy shopping thoroughfare and centre of a district given over to small manufacturing and to jobbing houses. be continued.

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