Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ghosts of The Bowery

Here, as promised yesterday, are a few more photos from the 1975 book "The Bowery" by Michael D. Zettler. I wonder what ever became of these men...sadly, I think I know their eventual fates.

The Bowery - Michael D. Zettler (1975)
"The Bowery" (1975) by Michael D. Zettler.
(All Images via this book)

Faces from the Bowery (Early 1970's)
"I'm here by choice...that's right...gotta make a choice, the wine or the job...I used to have a good car, lots of clothes...Yeah me! One time my girl says to me, "Artie, it's either me or the wine!" I says, "I hate to tell you this sweetie...but so long!"

Faces from the Bowery (Early 1970's)
"Not '58! The last time I fought in the Garden was 48. 1947!! I fought on some damn good cards then...I was never a boxer though...a fighter. It's all I know how to to. If I ever lost it was because I didn't hit 'em, cause when I hit 'em they stayed hit."

Faces from the Bowery (Early 1970's)
"Naw. The kids don't fuck with the Bowery bums...and it ain't just because we ain't got nothing...they respect us. They know we seen it all. Their parents tell 'em not to fuck with the bums too. They respect us. That's the truth too...what good is it anyway, we ain't got nothing, we ain't nobody...just bums."

Faces from the Bowery (Early 1970's)
"Naw...things ain't going too good. I seem to let my emotions carry me away...I can't seem to get ahold. I try to. Thanks for asking...I appreciate that."

Faces from the Bowery (Early 1970's)
Thanksgiving Day 1974
"What have I got to be thankful for? I'm still alive, that's one thing...but I didn't even get a good meal down at the mission."

Faces from the Bowery (Early 1970's)

Faces from the Bowery (Early 1970's)
There is no caption for this set of photos. I think an apt one would be:
"I've fallen and I can't get up!"

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