Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fleeting Glimpses of the Bowery, NYC - Circa 1972 - Courtesy of the Rolling Stones

The song is a classic - heard it many, many times over the years. But I'm just seeing the video for the first time this week thanks to Alex, who is always on the lookout for more photographic and video images of the gritty New York City of yesteryear and so kindly posted it over at his site Flaming Pablum. He says of this clip:

"...in this clip we see Messrs. Jagger, Richards, Watts et al. slumming around the Bowery in 1972 (interspliced between shots of them doing same in Los Angeles). Under normal circumstances, I'd play "spot the address" and try to divine what specific locales are being depicted, but the editing was far too quick for me to attempt. I think there are some shots filmed on the cross-section of Bowery and Houston, but I can't be sure. In any case, it's great stuff -- despite Bill Wyman's laughably ridiculous hair. Crank it."

We did, Alex. And we will do so again, probably several more times this week alone.

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