Thursday, May 5, 2011

2011 Pamela Anderson hot pictures news

2011 Pamela Anderson hot pictures news
2011 Pamela Anderson hot pictures news
2011 Pamela Anderson hot pictures news
2011 Pamela Anderson hot pictures news
2011 Pamela Anderson hot pictures news

London, U.K. – Beauty has always been a great tool for those who have it. Beauty is, and likely always will be, perhaps the greatest power that women have over men. No matter the social status of women, the power of beauty always undoes men. It has pamela anderson baywatch
launched wars, felled leaders, and caused all manner of men to completely lose their heads. While male beauty certainly has some power and sway, it is the beauty of the female members of the species that truly carries weight.

While standards of beauty vary from culture to culture and person to person, there are certain standards that remain throughout and occasionally a rare person embodies most if not all of those qualities. When that happens, the person becomes a sex symbol, a standard by which all others are judged. For an entire generation that symbol was Pamela Anderson whose flowing blonde hair and seemingly impossible curves made her the standard for beauty for both men and women. That status made her a star, plucking her literally from the anonymity of the crowd, and made her, for a time, one of the biggest celebrities on the planet with hit TV shows and movies as prominent as her personal life. Though she has remained a known figure in recent years, those heady days are long gone, pamela anderson
evaporated with age and with the constant turnover of celebrity culture. Still, at least one person is apparently a fan and after being arrested in London has now been sent for psychiatric evaluation.

“The man became verbally abusive to rail staff when he was asked to produce a ticket. British Transport Police attended and the man became violent and assaulted an officer and was arrested. Officers were forced to use capture spray as the man resisted arrest,” said a police official. “It appears that he was trying to get close to Pamela Anderson though for what purpose we have yet to determine. It doesn’t seem as though there was any interest in her with the exception of this young man. He has been taken for a mental evaluation.”

Anderson was apparently travelling to her hotel after a performance at Liverpool's Empire Theatre.pamela anderson hot

“Pam was shaken but she is fine. The whole incident was of course a very terrifying incident but nothing that she hasn’t had to deal with before. Obviously all these types of incidents have to be dealt with in a diligent manner,” said a spokesperson for the actress. “Pam is going about her time in London as normal. She is very happy to be performing in Aladdin and loves the city despite this incident. She is very grateful to the police and the transit officials for acting so swiftly. As it always has, the show will go on with Pam and she is happy to be able to engage all her fans in London.”

It’s not clear how many fans, aside from this crazed one, still exist in London but it is believed that few will step forward and admit such after this incident. pamela anderson old

“There was a time when Pam Anderson could do no wrong. She did wrong actually, over and over again, and she stayed beloved. That is what a pretty face and great body will do. No matter how many things you do wrong people will always forgive you if you look good. Things have changed though,” said Scrape TV Entertainment analyst Tracey Temple. “Time has certainly caught up to Anderson and people just don’t care the same way anymore. Frankly, I think you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who is still a fan. I don’t even know what you would be a fan of to be frank, wrinkles and a bad tan? It’s clear that this young man has some problems because he admits to being a fan and so it’s probably for the best that he’s off the streets.”

The 21-year old is currently in police custody. Anderson is doing something.

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