Friday, September 24, 2010

Nine Years After 9/11, Intelligence Sharing Is Still Hobbled

Mark Hosenball writes on

More than nine years after 9/11, America’s intelligence-sharing system continues to be impeded by legal and technical difficulties. As a result, important intelligence reports may be slow to reach those officials who could to take action on them. One such problem surfaced in Congress earlier this week: a glitch in the wording of the Freedom of Information Act.

The trouble is that when frontline agencies like the CIA and National Security Agency transfer “operational” files to the national intelligence director’s office—or to the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), a branch of the intelligence czar’s office created to ensure greater sharing of intelligence on terror threats—those files are more vulnerable to FOIA disclosure than they were before they left the originating agency.

More here.

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