Friday, September 24, 2010

FBI Targets Anti-War Protesters as Part of Terrorism Probe


Political and anti-war activists in the Midwest said they were the target Friday of searches the FBI called part of an investigation into the "material support of terrorism."

Warrants led to the search of five residences and one office in Minneapolis, Minnesota, said FBI spokesman Steve Warfield, who said there were no arrests. Two other searches were conducted in Chicago, Illinois.

Activist Tom Burke in Chicago said he and others in Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan were served subpoenas to testify before a grand jury. He also said computer hard drives were taken from locations in both cities, as well as a cell phone in Minneapolis.

Warfield would not comment on that statement or provide details of the searches.

He also would not discuss the investigation, other than indicating it is the work of a joint task force on terrorism.

More here.

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