Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hackers Blamed in Texas Water Utility Banking Theft

Colin McDonald writes on

A breach of security while an employee was online at the Bexar Metropolitan Water District allowed hackers to steal $25,000 from one of the utility's Bank of America accounts, according to the private investigation that concluded this week.

It is not known whether BexarMet can recover the missing money, but security measures are being taken to prevent another attack.

“Since no employee was involved, there are no employee disciplinary measures related to the breach,” said spokesman Hernan Rozemberg in an e-mail.

According to BexarMet staff and board members, malware, short for malicious software program, was inadvertently downloaded onto a new computer at the utility while an unidentified employee in the accounting department was on the Internet.

According to board members, it is unclear whether the computer had the latest antivirus software and the utility was adhering to its policy of having two managers sign off on all wire transfers.

More here.

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