Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The P.M.R.C. Files: "The Devil Made Them Do It"

(Image and article excerpts via: LittleVillagemag.com)

Excerpts from:
"The Devil Made Them Do It"
by Kimbrew McLeod
Little Villagemag.com - April 2011

The 1980s were ground zero for the Satanic Panics, when thousands of children were allegedly kidnapped, defiled and murdered in ritual abuse ceremonies. Even though police statistics made it clear there was no such epidemic, a nation of millions believed the hype.

The Cult Awareness Network offered information packets warning of the devilish dangers of rock music, as did the Parents’ Music Resource Center. The PMRC sold a $15 “Satanism Research Packet” that was filled with all sorts of misinformation gleaned from law enforcement and so-called experts.

Click the link above to read the rest...

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