Friday, February 11, 2011

Celebrating the month of love…

Come February, and it is the time for falling hearts and striking cupids … the overkill of red and pink everywhere … mushy puppy love spilling over the Valentine week … It is also the time for the self proclaimed custodians of the Indian culture to resort to bullying tactics, and then the pink chaddi campaigns in protest!

My take on St. Valentine celebrations is simple – I love the gifts and attention from my significant other – and I don’t mind if Valentine’s Day is the excuse. I quite enjoy the paraphernalia – though mostly commercial – that mark the alleged “love month” - and as long as there’s no serious ill-will on any side, nobody’s heart minds a little fluttering, does it? More details in my post here.

However, the best part of February is the fact that it rains saccharine sweet romances on the idiot box all month long. The sucker for such sickeningly sweet nothings that I am, I love cozying up to my favorite love stories on TV, watching them all over again, for the nth time!

Here are my top picks (in the order in which I recall them :)):

The mother of all romance films. True love can endure anything.

The name of the movie is as beautiful as the movie it self! The concept of fortune discoveries is so romantic…

Based on Eric Segal’s novel by the same name, is one of the most romantic tragedies ever.

Set in London, with predominantly British actors, the interwoven 10 tales in the five week countdown to Christmas is an all-season treat!

There’s something irresistible about British romances! The movie has a magnificent dream like quality to it. And Hugh Grant is a treat, always!

The epic romance on the ill-fated ship…

I have said this before – this movie reinstills your belief in love but breaks your heart.

This stylish musical is a love anthem all the way!

The poetically serene story of a couple in love, separated by class, joined in marriage, estranged by dementia and then finally reunited for ever in death. A classic.

The Hawaiian romance with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore along with the unique memory problem thrown in makes for an “awwww…” experience!

The different perspectives on relationships and yet the binding force remains the same – love!

This one only for the suave Gere and his fantastic chemistry with Julia Roberts.

(Image source for all pictures: Wikipedia)

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