Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Australia: Inquiry Calls for 'Cyber Czar', Compulsory Anti-Virus

Liz Tay writes on ITNews.com.au:

A parliamentary inquiry into cybercrime has recommended the Government appoint a Cyber Security Coordinator to lead whole-of-Government activities.

In a report presented to the Federal House of Representatives yesterday, the Standing Committee on Communications highlighted a need to consolidate Australian security efforts.

The Committee called for the establishment of an 'Office of Online Security', which would be located in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and headed by the Cyber Security Coordinator.

Working with State and Territory governments, regulators, departments, industry and consumers, the Office would be tasked with bringing together the current "plethora" of Government organisations responsible for tackling cyber crime.

The Committee considered advice from Microsoft and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) in its Recommendation 3, which called for a Cyber Security Coordinator.

More here.

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