Wednesday, June 9, 2010

AT&T's iPad Hackers 'Ignored' By Reuters, Other Mainstream Press

Taylor Buley writes on

Gawker contributor Ryan Tate set the Web ablaze on Wednesday with a blog post detailing the alleged breach of 114,000 iPad users' email addresses. The post named names: among them, executives at News Corp, The New York Times Company and Dow Jones.

According to "Weev," a well known Internet "activist" who we likened to Shakespeare's Puck after a baffling security incident last year, the "Goatse" security group alerted various members of the mainstream press via email before granting Gawker's Tate an exclusive on the data.

"i disclosed this to other press organizations first (ones who had ipad users affected by the breach, lol) and was ignored," writes Weev in an email. "gawker found out and ran with it immediately."

To prove it, Weev sent Forbes copies of emails sent to press at Reuters, News Corp, The Washington Post and The San Francisco Chronicle. The veracity of the emails has not been confirmed, but each has a timestamp dating back to Sunday night.

More here.

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