Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Citi Says Hackers Access Bank Card Data

Via Reuters.

Citigroup Inc said computer hackers breached the bank's network and accessed data on hundreds of thousands of bank card holders in the latest of a string of cyber attacks on high-profile companies.

Citigroup said about 1 percent of its card customers were affected by the breach, which a report in the Financial Times said had been discovered in May during routine monitoring.

The names of customers, account numbers and contact information, including email addresses, were viewed, Citi said.

However, it said other information such as birth dates, social security numbers, card expiration dates and card security codes (CVV) were not compromised.

"We are contacting customers whose information was impacted. Citi has implemented enhanced procedures to prevent a recurrence of this type of event," Sean Kevelighan, a U.S.-based spokesman, said by email.

Citigroup joins a growing list of companies that have suffered cyber attacks.

More here.

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