Thursday, November 18, 2010

Malaysian Man Hacked into U.S. Fedederal Reserve Bank

A Reuters newswire article, via Bank Systems & Technologies, reports:

A Malaysian man was charged with hacking into the computer network of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and possessing more than 400,000 stolen credit cards and debit cards, U.S. prosecutors said Thursday.

The man, identified as Lin Mun Poo by prosecutors in New York City's borough of Brooklyn, was arrested on Oct. 21 hours after his arrival in the United States and is being held pending his case before a federal judge.

"The defendant made a career of compromising computer servers belonging to financial institutions, defense contractors, and major corporations, among others, and selling or trading the information contained therein for exploitation by others," Loretta Lynch, the U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, said in a statement.

The statement said he planned to obtain more stolen financial account information from other hackers, which he planned to use and sell. U.S. Secret Service agents seized his encrypted laptop computer.

More here.

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