Monday, October 18, 2010

UK Arrests Man Accused of Organizing Money 'Mules'

Jeremy Kirk writes on ComputerWorld:

U.K. police arrested a 34-year-old man on Monday on suspicion of creating counterfeit credit cards and organizing a network of people involved in money laundering, officials said.

Authorities from the Metropolitan Police's .Central e-crime Unit also seized data and equipment believed to be used to created fraudulent payment cards, including blank dummy cards with magnetic strips, during a raid Monday morning in east London.

The man, whose name was not made public, is also accused of organizing money "mules" -- people recruited to accept stolen funds and transfer them to other bank accounts for a small share of the amount.

The latest action follows a spate of arrests in the U.K., U.S. and Ukraine in one of the largest coordinated computer crime actions by law enforcement.

More here.

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