Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nokia Siemens to Defend Iran Spying Claims

Liam Tung writes on SC Magazine Australia:

Nokia Siemens Networks has released a statement claiming that it has been wrongly accused of helping the Iranian government spy on its citizens as it faces new litigation in a US court.

Last week, Iranian journalist, Isa Saharkhiz and his son Mehdi filed proceedings against Nokia Siemens Networks in a US court, alleging human rights abuses by the company for supplying Iran with telecommunications interception technology.

Isa Saharkhiz was arrested after Iran's highly-charged 2009 elections, following government intercepts placed on his mobile phone.

Saharkhiz has reportedly been tortured by Iranian authorities since his arrest.

Lawyers acting for Saharkhiz want Nokia Siemens Networks to cease the "unlawful support of intercepting centres of the Iranian government", hoping the US judicial system will hold the company accountable to its activities in Iran.

More here.

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