Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Man Accused of DDoS'ing Conservative Talking Heads

Dan Goodin writes on The Register:

Federal prosecutors have accused a man of carrying out a series of botnet offenses including attacks that brought down the websites of conservative talking heads Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Rudolph Giuliani.

Mitchell L. Frost was an undergraduate student at the University of Akron at the time of the DDoS, or distributed denial-of-service, attacks, which lasted over a five-day period in March 2008, prosecutors alleged in court documents. The attacks on billoreilly.com, anncoulter.com and joinrudy2008.com "rendered each website inoperable, at least temporarily, and required intervention and repair by the owners of such sites, and caused damages or losses which exceeded $5,000," they wrote.

More here.

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