Thursday, April 22, 2010

Plans For New Global Anti-Cyber Crime Treaty Fail at Last Minute

Gary Flood writes on Public Technology:

To the dismay of law enforcement agencies globally, the UN just missed ratifying new international agreement to fight cybercrime that takes into account the global move to Cloud Computing.

A Russian proposal to update the legislation in place to take account of the objections of the Third World foundered last week due to ongoing differences in what developing countries and the stance of the EU, US and Canada.

This is a problem, say security experts, as cybercrime, which has gained more and more of an international aspect as criminals use the Web's anonymity to keep one step ahead of the law, may only be effectively curbed if things like suspect server sites in one country (e.g., ironically enough in the former Soviet Union) are closed down – something that can only happen with cross-border co-operation between governments and police forces.

More here.

Hat-tip: The Register

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